About Me

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My name is Melody and I like to write! I love how words can come together in a conversation, story, or song and can create something that generates a response in those that are exposed to it. Words have the power to do so much. It is up to us to determine how we choose to use them. I am truly blessed to be a child of God, wife to my husband of 21 years , and mother to two great kids. With God first in my family, I am victorious~

Sunday, August 7, 2011

i promise me

It's always easy to say you are gonna do something. The real challenge comes when you have to actually follow through with your actions and make those words a reality. I have decided to make no promises to anyone until I can make good on promises to me. I promise to put in a good workout at least 4-5 times a week. I promise to be nicer to myself and to treat my body as the temple that it is. I promise to give myself 100% at completing the tasks no matter how big or small that I set before me. I promise to love me first so that I can give others the same kind of love they deserve. I promise to make myself happy so that those around me can also be happy by being around me. I promise to finish what I start and only start that which I will finish. I have so much to do and yet I have done so little. I vow to make this upcoming school year THE year that I get things done in every aspect of my life. I have asked and I believe and now I will wait to receive that which will come to me. I count my blessings daily and am forever grateful for all that is bestowed upon me. I just feel like there is something more that I need to do . Like there is a bigger purpose out there for me to serve. I can't seem to shake this feeling that there is something that I have yet to do. I pray for the guidance to seek that which is yet to be found. I promise to search and to do what it takes until this is complete. I promise me to keep my promises.
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