About Me

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My name is Melody and I like to write! I love how words can come together in a conversation, story, or song and can create something that generates a response in those that are exposed to it. Words have the power to do so much. It is up to us to determine how we choose to use them. I am truly blessed to be a child of God, wife to my husband of 21 years , and mother to two great kids. With God first in my family, I am victorious~

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Been awhile

It has been a while since my last blog and so much has happened. Today is recovery day 6 from surgery. Just when I think I'm feeling better and can get back to normal ...there's a setback. Last Wednesday I had a laprascopic complete hysterectomy. Not by choice. I went in over the summer for my annual checkup and to discuss possibly having one more baby. Well to my dismay the doctor found some irregularities and told me carrying a baby would not be recommended. She wanted me to have few ultrasounds and bloodwork and what not, then finally came to the conclusion that I would need to have the procedure. She wanted to do it right away but found that I was too anemic to undergo any kind of surgery. We scheduled for October so that I could try some injection therapies to get me ready for surgery. Since it would require some time off, I decided to try to move the date to December to use our winter break to recover. The doctor was hesitant but we started the injections late due to some insurance issues so it would have to do. I did really well with the injections and was anxious to get this over with because the pain was getting worse. During this time I found out that my younger sister had been diagnosed with stage 1 ovarian cancer. Luckily it was caught early enough that they were hoping they could freeze the cells with injection therapies. So far this has worked. With this information I was even more anxious to get this done. So finally the day came. Al went really well except that I found out the hard way that me and anesthesia don't mix well. I was the first one in that morning and the last one out. It was performed at an out patient surgery center which still astounds me. They just get you in and out for pretty much anything nowadays. After a few exorcist moments I was finally able to go home. I was pretty doped up, so didn't feel much of anything until the next day. The next couple days felt like I had been beaten with a baseball bat. I tried to be superwoman and tell myself I did not need pain meds. I really hate the way they make me feel. I wised up quick and gave in to the power of pain relief. It has been reaaly hard for me to sit back and not be able to do anything around the house or for my family. When you're used to being the one who does everything it is very upsetting when you have to sit back and give up the reigns. You feel like a failure. To make matters worse there are only 10 days til Christmas and I was not able to prepare before surgery. I have the best kids though. They understand what the true meaning of Christmas is and are always happy with whatever they receive. They also know that it is always better to give than to receive. Today is the first day I have been able sit up for more than 30 minutes in an upright position. I am still feeling very dizzy and some pain on the left side but I know it will get better over time. I am very thankful to be surrounded by wonderful people who go out of their way to help me and for that I am blessed. I figure I will use this time to start some projects as soon as I feel better and see what happens. Wish me luck!

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