About Me

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My name is Melody and I like to write! I love how words can come together in a conversation, story, or song and can create something that generates a response in those that are exposed to it. Words have the power to do so much. It is up to us to determine how we choose to use them. I am truly blessed to be a child of God, wife to my husband of 21 years , and mother to two great kids. With God first in my family, I am victorious~

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

need to find my happy place

Today I want to talk, or rather vent about some things that are on my mind and really buggin' me. I try to be a good person and live my life accordingly. I do my best to help whenever and however I am able. Why is it that people can't be good to others just to be good to others? It seems that some people help others just to show them that they can and then expect immediate reciprocation of some sort. They are constantly judging your every move and making assumptions that are nowhere near the truth. If you are going to do something good and help someone out in a time of need, then do it because you truly want to. Do so because in your heart you know it is the right thing to do and you expect nothing from it in return. Don't bring it up constantly and boast to others of what you were able to do. If all you are going to do is complain about what you gave up to help someone then just save yourself the trouble and don't do it. If it is not done with sincerity in your heart then don't bother. If all you're going to do is make a spectacle of the whole thing then why did you even bother in the first place. Sincerity is lost in our culture. Why can't we just go back to a simpler time in life when everyone helped everyone else because that was the thing to do and you expected nothing in return but a "Thank You".

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