About Me

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My name is Melody and I like to write! I love how words can come together in a conversation, story, or song and can create something that generates a response in those that are exposed to it. Words have the power to do so much. It is up to us to determine how we choose to use them. I am truly blessed to be a child of God, wife to my husband of 21 years , and mother to two great kids. With God first in my family, I am victorious~

Monday, November 16, 2009

Yet another Monday!

So I see that my blog is becoming my Monday therapy session. That's not necessarily a bad thing, just an observation. So much is going on that I just know this week is going to fly by. I spent the evening yesterday working on my turkey for school. I will have to take a picture for all to see. I am quite fond of it!
*The cowboys lost..boo! It's okay though because the Eagles lost too, so we are still in first place
for now. We'll see how they do against the Redskins next.

*Is it just me or is anyone else ready to get all the holiday decor out and get the tree and all the trimmings up? I can't wait anymore! I think I'll start slowly this week and have it all done by
Sunday. Haven't started any Christmas shopping but that will have to come later.
* Bloodwork coming up on Wednesday to make sure we are all clear for surgery on 12/09/09 so hopefully all will be great and we can move along. Need to make sure I have all my shopping done before then since I won't be able to drive! Gotta make a checklist to make sure I do all that needs to be done before then. UGH!
* Making my first ever caldo de pollo and it smells sooooo good! I just hope it tastes as good as it smells. Taking it with me for lunch tomorrow.

I like the giving thanks that some of my other friends are doing so on that note I thought I would add my own list for today and continue until Thanksgiving day.
Today I am thankful for my husband and my children who are all I live for! I am thankful for my mom and dad who have helped me to appreciate every day for what it is..a blessing from God! I am thankful for the my in-laws who go above and beyond to take care of me and my family! I am also thankful that I have such an awesome job that I absolutely love to wake up and go to every morning. I have had enough experience in the past where I would literally sit and watch the clock not move fast enough for me to get out of there, that working here is truly a blessing! I am thankful for such a great group of coworkers that I am happy to call friends!

Okay so before I get all teary eyed , (since I'm so emotional lately) I will continue my list at a later time.

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